Shout-Out to Our Classrooms!
One of the best parts about being out here is hearing from our shore-side partners! And I do mean partners! Before setting out on this adventure, Climate Central teamed up with eight science teachers from six different schools...and most importantly, their students. Each of the science classrooms is using the SOCCOM floats to study earth science and how the climate is changing, and we couldn't be prouder of them! But this relationship is symbiotic! They use our data, but they help us too! How? By adopting the floats! Through the "Adopt-A-Float" program, SOCCOM is allowing elementary, middle and high school students take ownership and participate in the science. Now that we've deployed the last float, each of our floats has been named by the students, and each of them is successfully collecting data. Here are the names the students chose and where their floats were deployed: Float Number Release Deployment Location School ...