In the snow she rides: FMS Maximum Ride

Isa Rosso

FMS Maximum Ride (Apex #12730) was deployed yesterday, after a long day, in which the nature, once again, reminded us of its power... and its beauty. 

Power and beauty
Let’s talk about numbers: the float started its journey at 63 59.22’S, 57 24.33’E, on January 16, 2018 at 13:17 UTC. The CTD casts took much longer to be completed due to the weather. We also had some issues at the beginning with the winch, but the main problem was the swell, which was picking up by the minute. Someone, at some point, shouted “SNOW!!” 

While waiting for the CTD to come up, armed with (not-waterproof-neither-warm-enough) gloves, snow jacket, butterfly boots and my knitted headband, I ran outside… where I had to fight hard for my dear life! Massive, well-compact snowballs were flying from every direction. The “I come in peace” didn’t really impress anybody. Everyone was out: crew, officers, cadets, seamen, scientists. Everyone playing, no matter how rush the weather conditions nor the sharp corners and chains and obstacles on the deck were. The floor was so slippery and the wind so strong, that other than protecting myself from the lethal snowballs, I also had to fight not to miserably fall down! Seriously, there was no safe place, not even in the corridor inside! Ha ha ha!! What a glorious reminder that, in the end, we just need an excuse to play!!

Some battles later (also, we somehow managed to use all the snow available on the deck.. and I was risking frostbite at my finger tips), I headed back to the lab, where I collected my samples, and waited for the operations to be completed, and the float to be deployed. 

photo: Rakesh Rao
Me, collecting samples

 photo: Rakesh Rao
Me with FMS Maximum Ride, ready to go
The float, which was supposed to be deployed with its cardboard box, had the box broken. Everyone was happy, I must say, as they could finally see what was hidden inside😁 

We got multiple pictures, and my mate Rakesh was finally happy to record me on the camera in front of the float, to say a few things about it. (He’s making a video about the expedition. I can’t wait to see it! He’s very talented!) 

FMS Maximum in its crate

The name of the float comes from a few reasons: 1) first, from the school Frenship Middle School (FMS), which adopted the float; 2) then “because it’s cool” :o) ; and finally because Maximum Ride is one of Cheryl’s class’ favorite book series, by James Patterson. I searched on Wikipedia before leaving for the cruise (I apologize, as I’m not familiar with this series). The protagonists are Maximum Ride and his friends, all hybrid teenagers, human born with wings (wow!!!!), who are part of a group called the Flock. The teenagers work with scientists in preventing an apocalypse. As the Frenship Middle School students remind me, the students themselves are also working with experts, by adopting the float and analyzing the data. What the students also like about the main characters, who are all kids, is that “they don’t just sit back and watch the adults struggle. They help them by working together which is what we should always be doing.” I couldn’t be more proud and energized by their energy!! This is a fantastic thought, guys! Now that the float is in the water, follow its ride on the SOCCOM website (, searching for the float #12730.

photo: Rakesh Rao
All together to wish the best to Max! These guys are The Best!!! 
The last view of the magical world
We have left the “dreamworld of ice”, a couple of days ago. Too sad. Too soon. I found myself with a heart full every time I was outside.. the beauty of the waters around Antarctica cannot really be described, only lived. 

Some of its magic will come with me
Before we started heading back north, my friend Zoelle and I went ice-fishing! With a bucket and (a loooooot) of patience, we got few pieces of sea ice (of course we did tasted it ;o) ), and saved it as a memory of this magical place.

PS. Did you know that there’s also a Manga adaptation of the books??? 😮
That must be really nice, too!!
